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Development Trend of PTC Chip Fuse Products.ceramic fuse color code





  With the continuous development of the domestic economy and the rapid rise of the domestic electronics industry, the demand for PTC chip fuse products has increased from small to large, which has greatly promoted the development of PTC chip fuses. What are the trends in the development of PTC chip fuses in terms of quality, environment, labor costs, industry, etc?

  For the application of PTC patch fuse protection in circuits, using PTC has taken the lead and is in line with the trend. The statement that it will develop and grow is currently correct. In order to adapt to modern automatic production, the demand for SMD devices is increasing, and plug-in PTCs will be limited to the application of high voltage and high current products, so SMD devices are the development trend. The current specifications are developing towards both ends of the size range and towards smaller sizes. Continuously innovate by improving voltage levels.

  Without PTC, it violates the trend and will decline. Disposable fuses have gradually faded out of the range of choices for designers in electronic products with outstanding cost-effectiveness. At present, products with added value are generally considered to use PTC chip fuses for circuit protection, which has become the first choice for engineers. Disposable fuses are generally used in low value products. With the development of technology, PTC chip fuses will gradually replace other types of fuses.

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