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Explanation of Parameters in the PPTC Specification for Self healing Fuses





  This is very simple. As long as you know the meaning represented by the parameters in the specification book, you can clearly and quickly view the PTC specification book for self recovery fuses.

  1. IH (Holding Current): The maximum current that can pass through a polymer thermistor PTC in a static air environment at 25 ℃ when it remains inactive. Under limited environmental conditions, the device can maintain an infinite amount of time without transitioning from a low resistance state to a high resistance state. (If the current passing through PTC is insufficient to cause the PTC to self heat up beyond the Curie temperature, such current is called the non operating current, and the maximum value of the non operating current is called the maximum non operating current)

  2. IT (operating current): The minimum steady-state current at which the polymer thermistor PTC operates within a limited time in a static air environment at 25 ℃.

  3. Vmax maximum voltage (withstand voltage value): Under limited conditions, the highest voltage that the polymer thermistor PTC can safely withstand when activated. The withstand voltage value of a thermistor. Beyond this value, the thermistor may be broken down and cannot be restored. This value is usually listed in the voltage resistance column of the specification sheet.

  4. Imax (maximum current) (withstand current value): The maximum operating current of the polymer thermistor PTC for safe operation, which is the withstand current value of PTC. Beyond this value, the thermistor may be damaged and cannot be restored. This value is listed in the flow resistance column of the specification sheet.

  5. Pd (typical power loss value): The total power loss after the PTC operates in a static air environment at 25 ℃, obtained by calculating the product of the leakage current flowing through the PTC and the voltage across the thermistor.

  6. Trip: The process by which a polymer thermistor PTC transitions from a low resistance value to a high resistance value when overcurrent occurs or the ambient temperature increases.

  7. Tttrip (action time): The time required from the occurrence of overcurrent to the completion of the PTC action of the thermistor. For any specific polymer PTC, the greater the current flowing through the circuit or the higher the operating ambient temperature, the shorter its operating time.

  8. Tr (recovery time): refers to the time required for the resistance value of a PTC thermistor to recover to twice the rated zero power resistance during the natural cooling process after its action.

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