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How fast does the self recovery fuse activate bravia tv fuse location





  The application of self recovery fuses is becoming increasingly common, but when choosing self recovery fuses, we all want to know whether the speed at which the self recovery fuse starts protection is sufficient and timely when a fault current occurs in the circuit, in order to protect the circuit equipment.

  What I want to tell you here is that there are many models of self recovery fuses, and the starting protection speed varies among different models. And the time required for starting protection varies for the same model under different fault currents. (Related reading: Self recovery fuse response time)

  When discussing the duration of the self recovery fuse activation time, we can only provide a rough range, unless a specific model is specified, in order to provide a relatively accurate time value for the corresponding current value. home energy storage system battery The response time of the self recovery fuse protection action of the plug-in type is relatively longer than that of the patch fuse.

  The start-up time required for different models of self recovery fuses varies. The duration of protection activation has a regular pattern, one of which is inversely proportional to the size of the components; The other is inversely proportional to the magnitude of the fault current. The size of the same component is inversely proportional, that is, in the same series, such as the 250V series plug-in fuse, the smaller the current of the model, the smaller the size of the component. When the current is twice the normal current, the smaller the volume, the faster the heating, and the faster the start protection time. The larger the film, the longer the relative time required to start the protection, and the higher the voltage requirement, the larger the film. It is easy to understand that the inverse relationship between the magnitude of the fault current is that the larger the fault current, the faster the device heats up and protects. For example, when the fault current is 3 or 4 times the normal working current, many models of self recovery fuses can start protection within 1 second.

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