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Incorrect Application of Current Chip Fuses.motorsport fuse and relay box





  Usually, the occurrence of circuit board fire accidents is related to the failure of the varistor to disconnect from the circuit in a timely manner, resulting in varying degrees of short circuits in the system power supply. Below, I will share with you the drawbacks of using a single patch fuse current protection method to deal with the failure of the varistor, and propose that the best protection method for the failure of the varistor is over temperature protection.

  Zinc oxide varistor MOV is a polycrystalline semiconductor ceramic component made by a typical electronic ceramic process with zinc oxide as the main body and various metal oxides added. MOVs have a unique grain boundary structure. Under a certain electric field, the conduction of grain boundaries changes from hot electron emission conduction to electron tunneling conduction, and their resistance value sharply decreases with the increase of voltage. They have excellent nonlinear volt-ampere characteristics. Therefore, when there is overvoltage in the power supply connected to household appliances, the electron tunneling effect of MOV grain boundaries suppresses the growth of overvoltage peaks, absorbs some overvoltage energy, and thus plays a protective role, MOVs have the advantages of high current capacity, low residual voltage, no residual current, and low cost, and have been preferred as overvoltage protection components at the power inlet of household appliances.

  MOVs have high instantaneous (nanosecond or microsecond) overvoltage suppression capabilities, but they are more prone to aging under temporary (millisecond or second) overvoltage, overcurrent, or frequent surge current surges.

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