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The development trend of circuit protection components is tube fuse vs blade fuse





  (1) With the demand for the development of electronic products, the functionality (integration) of ICs is also becoming stronger, and their "value" is naturally becoming more noble, so it is necessary to strengthen protection.

  (2) In order to reduce power consumption, reduce heat generation, and extend service life, the working voltage of semiconductor components and ICs is getting lower and lower. According to SIA (American Semiconductor Industry Association) statistics, the current working voltage is around 1.5V, and it will drop to below 1.2V by 2004. Therefore, its ability to withstand overcurrent/overvoltage needs to adapt to new protection requirements.

  (3) There are more and more mobile electronic products, such as handheld devices, PDAs, laptops, camcorders, digital cameras, jukeboxes, etc. These electronic products require battery components as power sources, and protective components must be equipped in both battery components and battery chargers.

  (4) In modern luxury cars, there are more and more electronic devices equipped, and the working conditions are worse than ordinary electronic products, such as the rapidly changing driving conditions and environment of the car, and the large instantaneous peak voltage generated when the car starts. Therefore, in the power adapters provided for these electronic devices, it is generally necessary to install both overcurrent and overvoltage protection components simultaneously.

  (5) Many power/electronic products need to prevent lightning strikes and interference between power and telephone lines to ensure normal communication and user safety. So, with the development of power/electronic products, the demand for overcurrent/overvoltage protection components is on the rise.

  (6) According to statistics, 75% of malfunctions in electronic products are caused by overcurrent/overvoltage. IBM has analyzed the causes of computer power supply failures, with 88.5% being caused by overcurrent/overvoltage. With the increasing demand for electronic product quality, manufacturers must adopt a large number of circuit protection components in order to improve market competitiveness.

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