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resettable surface mount fuse.Some precautions in the use of fuse tubes





  1. The rated voltage of the selected fuse should be greater than the input voltage of the protected circuit.

  2. The rated current of UL specification fuses is determined under laboratory conditions and should be less than 75% of the nominal value during actual use.

  3. The rated current of IEC standard fuse tubes can be used at 90% or 100% of the nominal value in actual use.

  4. The working life of fuses varies under different operating temperatures. The higher the temperature, the shorter the working life of the fuse; When selecting fuses in practice, it is necessary to refer to the working environment temperature for selection

  5. The breaking capacity of a fuse tube is directly proportional to its volume and inversely proportional to the rated voltage.

  6. Under more than 100000 pulse impacts, the pulse I2T of the protection circuit should be less than 20% of the rated I2T of the fuse tube.

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