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rv air conditioner fuse location.How long does the self restoring fuse operate?





  Is there a relationship between the self recovery fuse and the action time, and what is the action time?

  1. The action time of the self recovery fuse is related to its internal resistance. The higher the temperature, the greater the current, and the higher the resistance value, and the shorter the action time of the self recovery fuse.

  In general, in official language, a self restoring fuse passes through 100% of its current in a room temperature of 25 ℃. However, if the rated current exceeds twice or more, the self restoring fuse will return to operation.

  2. There are self recovery fuses available from a few seconds to tens of seconds, and the duration depends on the specific model of self recovery fuse used, as well as factors such as the characteristics of the fault. The sensitivity is not related to the price, but to the model of the self recovery fuse. The higher the current and voltage, the more expensive the pricehome energy storage system battery

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