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30 amp screw in resettable fuse.Application of self restoring fuse PPTC in overcurrent protection of LED display screens





  LED display screen is a display screen composed of multiple LED array screens, each LED array unit consists of an equal number of LED particles to form a small screen. Each unit LED screen has an independent driving circuit, and the driving signal is distributed by the signal distribution circuit.

  In an LED screen, there is usually one or several power supplies that supply power to each driver circuit board, and each power supply needs to supply power to multiple LED array units. This is a special solution to reduce power supply costs. In this power supply scheme, each unit of LED screen is the load of the power supply

  In the operation of the display screen, if any one of the screens experiences a short circuit, overcurrent, or overheating, it will cause the main power supply to not work and cause the entire LED screen to be paralyzed. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to install an overcurrent temperature protection circuit for each unit screen, and the power supply itself also needs to install an overcurrent temperature protection circuit. Therefore, it is necessary to design more protection circuits

  In this protection network, only selecting BDTfuse for over flow temperature protection is the simplest and most feasible solution. Due to the use of BDTfuse, only one component needs to be connected in series to the power supply branch to simultaneously complete the overcurrent temperature protection function. PolySwitch BDTfuse positive temperature coefficient thermistor, also known as a self recovery fuse or self reset overcurrent protector

  When there is a large current or high temperature, BDTfuse will suddenly change to a high resistance to limit the current of the circuit and achieve timely protection. After an emergency, BDTfuse will return to the normal working state of low resistance.

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