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How to install a fuse for 220V





  The size of a 220 volt fuse should be calculated based on the power consumption of the device. According to Ohm's law, current equals power divided by voltage. Taking a 600 watt iron as an example, its current is approximately 2.8 amperes. If the current is too high during startup, multiply it by 1.5 and choose a 5 ampere fuse

  A 220 volt electricity requires a fuse, and the current is different. You need to choose the fuse according to the actual electrical appliance you are using. Generally, for a 1 kW appliance, a fuse of 5 amps or more is needed, and so on. For a 2 kW appliance, a fuse of 10 amps or more is needed. The higher the power of the electrical appliances used, the greater the current of the installed fuses. This requires determining the appropriate fuse size based on the actual overall power consumption.

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