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air conditioner fuse box replacement.Is polymer PTC thermistor used for over temperature control?




  Is polymer PTC thermistor used for over temperature control?

  Currently, polymer PTC thermistors are mainly used for overcurrent protection, and many polymer PTC thermistors have been successfully used for over temperature protection. This product allows battery pack designers to save some of the over temperature protection devices in their designs.

  Regarding the protection principle of polymer PTC thermistors, first we need to understand the materials used in their production and their composition.

  Polymer PTC thermistor is made of polymer material filled with carbon black particles. The characteristic of carbon black particles is that they have a conductive function, so they can pass the rated current.

  If the current flowing through a thermistor is too high during operation, its heating power will be greater than its heat dissipation power. At this time, the temperature of the thermistor will continue to rise, and at the same time, the collective in the thermistor will begin to expand, causing the separation of carbon black particles and leading to an increase in resistance. This effectively reduces the current in the circuit.

  At this point, there will still be a small amount of current passing through the circuit, which keeps the thermistor at a sufficient temperature to maintain a high resistance state. After all faults are resolved, the polymer PTC thermistor will quickly cool down and then return to its original low resistance state. After that, it will start working like a new resistor.

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