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  The Application of PPTC in Automotive Electronics

  PPTC device technology has been widely used in the design of overcurrent and overheat circuit protection for portable appliances, mobile phones, computers, and remote communication devices. The new standards for passive components introduced by the Automotive Electronics Technology Committee have promoted the application of polymer temperature coefficient devices (PPTC) circuit protection technology in the automotive industry.

  The new car design mainly focuses on electronic circuits and mobile accessories, such as power windows, power seats, sunroof control, and remote information processing devices, aiming to reduce costs and improve reliability and functionality.

  The motor drive and control device must withstand certain harsh working environments and be able to operate continuously and reliably. On site failures are unavoidable, and choosing the correct circuit protection strategy will help ensure product reliability and minimize maintenance costs for manufacturers and customers. Using PolySwitch provided by Raychem Circuit Protection Department? Polymer positive temperature coefficient (PPTC) resettable circuit protection device is a product with a more stable and reliable architecture, which can provide protection against certain common faults in motor drive and control systems.

  The supply types of PolySwitch polymer positive temperature coefficient devices include lead type, shaft type, wafer type, disc type, and surface mount type. The compact shape of polymer positive temperature coefficient devices helps save valuable circuit board space. Due to their self resetting function, they can be placed in locations that users cannot reach, which is significantly different from traditional fuses that need to be placed in locations that users can easily replace for replacement. Due to the fact that polymer positive temperature coefficient devices are solid-state devices, they can also withstand mechanical shocks and vibrations, providing reliable circuit protection for various applications.

  Power protection

  PolySwitch devices have been used for overload and short circuit protection at the DC output of power supplies. After the development of the LVR series products, PolySwitch devices can now be applied in the AC main circuit of the power input terminal. This product places AC line transformers and other line side equipment within the protection range of the PolySwitch device product series. These products can provide protection for the power supply when the neutral wire is accidentally disconnected or when AC line voltage is used for 24 VAC input. LVR devices are suitable for power systems, with a maximum input current of up to 400mA at 120VAC and 240VAC voltages. Power systems with higher current can install PolySwitch devices in the output circuit of the secondary end to protect against power failures caused by overcurrent conditions.

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