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heater for bedroom with thermostat..The working environment required for normal operation of current fuses





  1. When operating at a normal operating current of 25 ℃, the current rating of the current fuse is usually reduced by 25% to avoid harmful melting. Most traditional fuses use materials with lower melting temperatures. Therefore, this type of fuse is relatively sensitive to changes in environmental temperature. For example, a current fuse with a current rating of 10A is usually not recommended to operate at an ambient temperature of 25 ℃ and a current greater than 7.5A.

  The voltage rating of the current fuse must be equal to or greater than the effective circuit voltage. The general standard voltage rating series are 32V, 125V, 250V, and 600V.

  The resistance of the fuse is not important in the entire circuit. Due to the fact that the resistance of a fuse with an amperage less than 1 is only a few ohms, this issue should be considered when using fuses in low-voltage circuits. Most fuses are made of materials with a positive temperature coefficient, so there are two types of resistors: cold resistance and thermal resistance.

  4. The current carrying capacity of the current fuse was tested under an ambient temperature of 25 ℃, which is influenced by changes in ambient temperature. The higher the ambient temperature, the higher the operating temperature of the fuse, and the shorter its lifespan. On the contrary, operating at lower temperatures will extend the lifespan of the fuse.home energy storage system battery   5. The rated capacity of the fuse is also known as the breaking capacity. The rated fuse capacity is the maximum allowable current that a fuse can truly blow at rated voltage. When there is a short circuit, the fuse will pass multiple times an instantaneous overload current greater than the normal operating current. Safe operation requires the fuse to remain intact (without bursting or breaking) and eliminate short circuits.

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