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high voltage fuse blown microwave.The Development Trend of Fuses





  With the progress and development of the times, more and more new products will be introduced, bringing forth new ideas. Multiple analysts predict that China's electronics industry will maintain growth above the global average. As a key component of electronic and electrical protection devices, the market demand for fuses will always exist and continue to grow, and the market will have more requirements for the functionality of fuses.

  Industrial development has caused damage to the environment, and in turn, progress in human understanding of nature and society has put forward requirements for environmental protection. Only a good living environment can ensure a better life and long-term development for humanity. The lead-free requirement for small fuses is a priority proposed by Europe and Japan. Starting from 2006, parts containing six elements such as lead, cadmium, and mercury will no longer be used. Many companies have started to demand suppliers, and some have expanded the prohibited substances to 22 or even more than 30. This poses a very serious problem for our small fuse production enterprises, Because such changes mean not only material changes, but also process changes, and even partial design changes, which will be a significant project for certain products.

  Many fuse manufacturers have gradually stepped out of the field of simple overcurrent protection components, and also entered other categories of circuit protection components or devices, gradually forming a complete set of protection scheme design and product research and development. This development will lead to the emergence of new products such as both overcurrent and overvoltage protection components and circuit protection modules.

  With the diversification and new development of electronic products, many new protection requirements have been put forward for circuits. Therefore, there will be many new types of fuses with new protection functions, such as ultra fast action, strong pulse resistance, micro rated current, large rated current, high withstand voltage, small volume, etc. Due to the continuous development of the electronic industry, especially the development of the electronic industry. With the development of microelectronics and digital electronic technology, many new circuit protection themes have been proposed, such as electrostatic protection, lightning protection, electromagnetic interference protection, etc. The development of small fuses also requires miniaturization, surface mount, lead-free, multifunctional or multi circuit integration, etc. Some fuse manufacturers are preparing to develop circuit protection components or modules with intelligent functions, thus ushering in a new era of replacing and replacing small fuses.

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