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  What are the alternatives to fuses?

  In some cases, it may be necessary to seek alternatives to fuses, especially in emergency situations or when there are no suitable fuses available. Here are some common fuse substitutes:

  1. Circuit breaker: A circuit breaker is a reusable electrical protection device that can automatically disconnect the circuit when the current is too high. Unlike fuses, circuit breakers do not require replacement and only need to be reset.

  2. Self healing fuse: This type of fuse will automatically disconnect in case of overcurrent, and once the current returns to normal, it will restore the connection on its own. This type of fuse is commonly used in circuits that require frequent protection.

  3. Semiconductor protection devices, such as TVS diodes and MOVs (varistors), can protect circuits under transient overvoltage conditions and are commonly used for protecting power and communication lines.

  4. Relays: In certain special circumstances, relays can be used as temporary replacements for fuses. By controlling the on/off of relays, circuit protection can be achieved.

  It should be noted that when choosing a fuse replacement, it is necessary to ensure that its rated current and voltage meet the requirements of the circuit, otherwise it may cause circuit damage or safety hazards.

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