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  The working principle of self recovering fuse PPTC1a47df70812c6ad

  The main advantages of polymer PPTC are:

  At room temperature, zero power resistors can be very small

  High current products only have a few milliohms

  Low power consumption in the circuit can be ignored

  The volume is relatively small.

  PPTC can be connected in series in precision circuits as a resettable thermal fuse for overcurrent protection. The resistance changes quickly, about a few milliseconds, the heat capacity is small, and the recovery time is short. In addition, it also has impact resistance and can achieve up to 8000 cycles of cycle protection.

  PTC can be used as a reheating fuse, which to some extent reflects the performance and function of self reheating fuses in circuits. In this way, overcurrent protection and over temperature protection can be implemented in the circuit.

  The main advantages of ceramic CPTC are its low price and ease of manufacturing. But it has high resistance, large volume, and large online losses, ranging from tens to thousands of ohms, making it more suitable for small current overcurrent protection.

  When high temperature and overheating occur, negative resistance effect (decrease in resistance) is likely to occur. In addition, it has a low protection speed of several hundred milliseconds, a large thermal capacity, and a long recovery time.

  The application scope is relatively narrow. For example, this circuit cannot be used for fast protection circuits, automotive wiring harness protection, PCB routing protection, etc. On the contrary, they are mainly used for heating equipment and can be used for some small signal circuits that do not consider losses.

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