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ptc resettable fuse tutorial.Self recovery fuse selection steps





  (1) When used at room temperature of 25 ℃, know the actual average working current I and voltage V at the location where PPTC is installed, regardless of instantaneous current

  (2) Select a self restoring fuse series component based on the I value, V value, product category, and installation method (DIP or SMD).

  (3) If the internal environmental temperature of the device is greater than 25 ℃, the self resetting fuse will reduce the passing current as the temperature increases. To maintain normal load current passing, according to the reduction rate comparison table, calculate Ih (no action current)=I/reduction rate.

  (4) Select the fuse series components according to step (2), and select the corresponding components from the specification table based on the calculated IH value in step (3). It should be emphasized that the IH value of the selected component must be greater than or equal to the IH value calculated in step (3).

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