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  Selection principles for plastic encapsulated patch varistors

  1. Select appropriate Ur and IH based on the usage environment of the circuit and the components and equipment that need to be protected. Normally, Ur is slightly higher than the operating voltage of the circuit, while IH is appropriately controlled within the overcurrent protection range.

  2. Select appropriate IT and Imax based on the rated current of the circuit. Normally, the rated current of IT and circuit is close, while Imax is controlled within the overload protection range.

  3. Choose the appropriate Ro based on the power of the circuit, components, and the characteristics of the equipment itself. Normally, Ro should be kept as small as possible to ensure the proper functioning of the circuit.

  4. Select appropriate Tw and Tr according to the usage environment and requirements of the circuit. Normally, Tw should meet the operating temperature range of the circuit under normal usage conditions, while Tr also needs to consider the PPTC response and recovery time to minimize the impact of PPTC on the circuit.


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