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  What issues should be considered when selecting self recovery fuses

  The selection of self recovery fuses should consider the following issues:

  1) What is the voltage value at both ends of the PPTC component in series in the circuit?

  2) What is the average current value flowing through the pptc components of a circuit under normal operating conditions?

  3) When a load short circuit occurs in a circuit, to what extent will the fault current in the circuit increase, causing damage to the circuit or other components in the circuit?

  The maximum limit current, such as protection circuit, when the circuit load and fault current increase to 10 amperes, the circuit or components in the circuit are damaged, affecting the normal operation of the circuit. PPTC components need to quickly protect the circuit, and the current value at this time is the limit current value.

  4) What is the ambient temperature of the circuit? (Because pptc components belong to positive temperature coefficient thermistors and are affected by ambient temperature)

  5) How long does the circuit work for? (Does the circuit work continuously for a long time (more than 4 hours) or intermittently?)

  Self recovery fuse parameters:

  Maintain current (ih): The highest current that does not trigger a resistance surge in a static air environment at 25 ℃.

  Trigger current (it): The minimum current required for a PTC polymer self resetting fuse to transition from low impedance to high impedance in a static air environment at 25 ℃.

  Maximum voltage (vmax): The maximum operating voltage of PTC polymer self resetting fuses.

  Maximum current (imax): The maximum current that PTC polymer self resetting fuses can withstand.

  Action power (pdtyp.): The power consumption of PTC polymer self resetting fuse in the action state at an ambient temperature of 25 ℃.

  Action time (ttip): Maximum action time at 5 times the holding current. Tmax: Maximum action time of overload current

  Rmin: Minimum resistance (25 ℃)

  Rmax: Maximum resistance (25 ℃)

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